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Chinese 'regeneration~ The University Art Gallery's latest exhibit showcases a diverse selection of contemporary Chinese art. page 8



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Best in the West Fou r baseball stars win awards for their performance. page 16

THURSDAY. MAY 26, 2005


Another • un ton to hold strike

Faculty delay vote on athletic grants Proposal would meet mandate in new NCAA regulations By NAYELI PAGAZA Staff Writer .\1embers of UCSD's Academic enate decided [0 delay a vore on Vice hancellor of tudent Affairs .Io~cph W. Warson 's ath letic sc ho larship proposal until next fall after facu lty members expres ed mixed feeli ngs on the plan. Watson developed the propo al in response [0 recently changed ~c.\A Di vis ion II regulations mandating member universities, mcluding UC D , to offer a minimum of $2"0,000 in athletic scholarships by fall 2005 . Wat on 's proposal would comply with the regulati on by offeri ng a maximum of$300,000 in ca mpus registration-fee fund s. "We arc responding to students' co ncerns regarding their unsatisfactory approval of U SD's lack of social life," Warson sai d. "We want a strategi c plan for student affa irs and although our to p proposa l is building on-campus housing for transfers, this would require $107 million, which we don't have. The best way to improve the vita li ty of our school spirit now is in these schola rhips." Although this proposal would provide approxim ate ly $500 annuall y to each of the ca mpus'



odds over pay By WILLIAM CHING Staff Writer

Billy Wong/Cuardian

Deliberations: At their M~ 24 meeting. Academic Senate members decided to forestalll,Qting on Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Joseph W Watson's athletic scholarship proposal until next fall. The proposal offers a maximum of $300,000 in registration·fee funds. 550 athletes, Graduate Student Associa tion Vice President Laura Kwinn said she is concerned that the money will be allocated out of students' pockets. At an earlier meeting, the GSA passed a resolution opposing the plan .

Study finds lack_of UC female faculty Legislature . . held-hearings . on unIversIty recruItment By MARNETTE FEDERIS Senior Staff Writer The University of California has failed to raise irs percentage of female faculty hires, despite an increase in the hiring of new professors in recent years, as well as a growth in the percentage of women getting doctorate degrees, according to a recently released report written by four UC Davis professors. The report claims that the university discriminates against women by continuing to lag in irs hiring of female faculty. Titled "Unprecedented Urgency: Gender Discrimination in Faculty Hiringatthe University of California," the report has come in the midst of the universi ty's to-year plan to increase irs hiring of professors to meet the demands of a growing student population and to replace retiring facul ty. The report states that women made up 36 percent of the newly hired faculty in 2003-04, which was the same proportion as


in the previous year. Meanwhile, over 45 percent of all doctorate degrees in 2003 were awarded to women. The study claims that the number of females hired by the university dropped dramatically after the UC Board of Regenrs abolished the use of affirmative action in 1995 following the passage of Proposition 209, which banned the state from considering race or gender in hiring decisions. "We have been monitoring the hiring of women faculty for many years," UC Davis law professor and co-author of the report Martha West said. "After (the) regents abolished affirmative action, we started noticing (that) the percentage of women at UC Davis was declining rapidly. At UC Davis, the numbers went from 52 percent to \3 percent." However, national doctoral degree data is not an accurate

See . EPOIT. Page '4

"As a graduate student, I support all tudent athletes and understand the importance [athletics] have to our campus, but I believe studenrs will have to pay increased enrollment fees in the future to signify more money to

athletes," Kwinn said. Watson sllid the money for the scholarships would come only from registration fees and new fund s resulti ng from growth in the

See AID, Page

Approximatel y 10,000 University ProfeSSIOnal lechnical E mployees a nd COl1lmUmcatlon~ \ Vorkers of America union members wIll walk off the Job on \l'I~' 26 to protest what the limon has called the L'niversity of C.lhf()rma~ unfair labor pra · t1Ct:~. Over ~ percent of unIOn membe rs voted to authOri ze the une-oav strike to express their dl;;ati,fac'tion ove r attem pts to negotiate J new contract with the uIlIversitv, according to San Diego UPTE.\VA Chapter President Carolan Buckmaster, who has al 0 wo rked as a campus research asso late for 15 years. UPTE has said that the univericy has refu ed to increase compen ation for research associates

See UPTE, Page 7


Studen ts feel effects of budget reductions By KATE McELHINNEY Staff Writer Despite recent state budget cuts to higher education, annual college enrollment will increase by 837,000 students in California's community colleges and universities by the year 2013, according to a recent report from the nonprofit organization Campaign for College Opportunity. The report includes opinions and ideas of more than 1,600 Californians from 400 organizations interviewed during the course of the group's five-month "listening tour/' and is titled "Listen Up: Californians Respond to the College-Access Crisis." "We wanted to hear from the frontline different idea for solutions," CCO Executive Director Abdi Soltani said. "It's important for the state to reaffinn educa-

See ceo. Page 3




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"It's important for the state to


reaffirm education for young people ... "




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- Abdi SoItMi, executive . . . for CoIep Opportunity

5/26 I'
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